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Protective Life and Annuity of NY (WCL) - Empire Term Series Product Features


New York
   our New York licensed company

Term Life America Insurance is proud to offer Protective Life and Annuity of NY (WCL)
Term Life Insurance. Solid resources backed by a combination of innovative products and service beyond expectations.

Empire Term Series

Protective Life and Annuity of NY (WCL) - Empire Term Series Product Features

State Approvals Available Only in NY
Type Fully Guaranteed Premium Level Term
Conversion Options Each product is convertible without evidence of insurability while the policy is in force.
Issue Ages Empire 10: 18-70
Empire 15: 18-65
Empire 20: 18-60
Empire 25: 18-55
Empire 30: 18-50
Face Amounts
Band 1: 100,000-249,999
Band 2: 250,000-999,999
Band 3: 1,000,000+
Modal Factors Semi-annual = 0.52
Quarterly = 0.265
Monthly = 0.0875
Policy Fee $75, (Non-commissionable) for 10, 15, 25, 30 year level term;
$60 for 20 year level term
Special Product
Waiver of Premium (Form 0021218NY)
-Waiver of premium is issued from ages 18-50 for the Empire 20 and ages 18-55 for Empire 10 & 15.
-Waiver issued on policies up to $2,000,000
-Waiver coverage and premiums terminates at age 60.
-Waiver is issued on standard policies through table C.
Accidental Death Benefit (Form 0021989NY)
-ADB is issued from ages 18-50 for the Empire 20, ages 18-55 for the Empire 15, and ages 18-60 for the Empire 10.
-ADB is issued up to $250,000 or the face amount of the policy, whichever is less.
-ADB Coverage and premiums terminate at age 70.
Child Rider (Form 8921218NY)
-$1,000 coverage per unit and up to 5 units may be issued.
-Coverage continues until youngest childs age 25 or age 65 of the base insured.
-Premium is $7.50 per unit of coverage.
-If Waiver is included on the base an additional $0.30 per unit for waiver on the child rider is added to the rider premium.
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Protective Life and Annuity of NY (WCL) -
Empire Term Series Underwriting Guidelines
Classes Super Preferred Non-tobacco
Preferred Non-tobacco
Standard Non-tobacco
Preferred Tobacco
Standard Tobacco
Tobacco Definition In order to qualify for non-tobacco use rates, the proposed insured must not have used tobacco or nicotene products in any form (gum, patches, cigars, etc.) prior to the application. For Preferred, Standard and all substandard rates, the time frame is one year. For Super Preferred, the time frame is three years. All current positive continine (nicotine) results will be treated as tobacco usage.
Special Underwriting

Super Preferred Risks

No exceptions will be made to these guidelines
Standard risk medically and no ratable occupational hazard.

Not a private pilot or participant in aviation activities. Pilots and crewmembers on regularly scheduled passenger flights on major airlines are acceptable if not engaged in any other flying activities.

No current blood pressure reading to exceed 135/80.

No current or history of blood pressure or cholesterol treatment.

No history of alcohol or substance abuse within the last 20 years.

Build does not exceed the following:


    Height/Weight  Height/Weight   Height/Weight

        5-0 132       5-8 172       6-4 217

        5-1 137       5-9 177       6-5 222

        5-2 142       5-10 182      6-6 229

        5-3 147       5-11 187      6-7 235

        5-4 152       6-0 193       6-8 241

        5-5 156       6-1 199       6-9 248

        5-6 162       6-2 205

        5-7 166       6-3 211

Cholesterol must be 210 unless the Chol/HDL ratio is 3.5 or lower. In this case 220 is allowed.
Cholesterol/HDL ratio must not exceed 4.5.

No history of internal cancer, melanoma or heart disease within the last 20 years. No history of diabetes (except gestational).

No history of or death from coronary artery disease or cancer of either natural parent prior to age 60. If the client is age 60 or over, parental history in general will not be a factor. We do not exclude client from this class based on any parental history of diabetes, stroke or any sibling health history.

No hazardous sports or avocations, i.e. hang gliding, ballooning, motorized racing, parachuting, or scuba diving within the last three years.

No nicotine use of any kind in the last three years.

Not available if two or more moving violations in the last two years or if any DUI or reckless driving in the last five years.

No other adverse underwriting considerations per underwriting judgment.

Preferred Risks

No exceptions will be made to these guidelines
Standard risk medically and no ratable occupational hazard.

Not a private pilot or participant in aviation activities. Pilots and crewmembers on regularly scheduled passenger flights on major airlines are acceptable if not engaged in any other flying activities.

Blood pressure not to exceed:
140/85 - Age 50 or younger
145/85 - Age 51 or older

No history of high/elevated blood pressure

No history of alcohol or substance abuse within the last 20 years.

Build does not exceed the following:

    Height/Weight  Height/Weight   Height/Weight

        5-0 151       5-8 190       6-4 240

        5-1 155       5-9 195       6-5 247

        5-2 160       5-10 200      6-6 254

        5-3 165       5-11 206      6-7 262

        5-4 170       6-0 212       6-8 270

        5-5 175       6-1 219       6-9 278

        5-6 180       6-2 228       6-10 286

        5-7 185       6-3 233       6-11 295

Cholesterol must be 220 or less, but if all other Preferred criteria are met, add +20 (240 total), including treated cholesterol.
Cholesterol/HDL ratio must not exceed 6.0.

No history of internal cancer, melanoma or heart disease within the last 20 years. No history of diabetes (except gestational).

No history of or death from coronary artery disease or cancer of either natural parent prior to age 60. If the client is age 60 or over, parental history in general will not be a factor. We do not exclude client from this class based on any parental history of diabetes, stroke or any sibling health history.

No hazardous sports or avocations, i.e. hang gliding, ballooning, motorized racing, parachuting or scuba diving within the last 3 years. Recreational scuba diving up to depths of 75 feet is acceptable.

No nicotine use of any kind for the last year for Preferred non-smokers.
This includes occasional cigars, nicotine gum, etc.

Not available if two or more moving violations in the last two years or if any DUI or reckless driving in the last five years.

No other adverse underwriting considerations per underwriting judgment.


Prtotective Life and Annuity of NY Build Chart
 5' 0" 137 156
 5' 1" 142 160
 5' 2" 147 165
 5' 3" 152 170
 5' 4" 157 175
 5' 5" 161 178
 5' 6" 167 185
 5' 7" 171 190
 5' 8" 177 195
 5' 9" 182 200
 5' 10" 187 205
 5' 11" 192 211
 6' 0" 198 217
 6' 1" 204 224
 6' 2" 210 233
 6' 3" 216 238
 6' 4" 222 245
 6' 5" 227 252
 6' 6" 234 259
 6' 7" 240 267
 6' 8" 246 275
 6' 9" 253 283
 6' 10" - 291
 6' 11" - 300
SPNT Super Preferred Non-tobacco
PNT Preferred Non-tobacco

Footnote Key
1 * 1. Amount includes total life insurance currently applied for plus Protective Life & Annuity policies currently inforce.
2. Inspection and Motor Vehicle Reports are required on cases $1,500,000 and above and on proposed insureds over age 75.
2 Submit non-med through $300,000. Over this amount please consult an underwriter.
* 1. Amount includes total life insurance currently applied for plus Protective Life & Annuity policies currently inforce.
2. Inspection and Motor Vehicle Reports are required on cases $1,500,000 and above and on proposed insureds over age 75.
3 * 1. Amount includes total life insurance currently applied for plus Protective Life & Annuity policies currently inforce.
2. Inspection and Motor Vehicle Reports are required on cases $1,500,000 and above and on proposed insureds over age 75.
** 6 foot PA Chest X-Rays (which may not be done on a portable machine) are required per the following chart:
AGE No Tobacco Use > 10 Years No Tobacco Use > 3 to 10 Years Current Tobacco Use or Within 3 Years
61-65 $75,000,000 $25,000,000 $10,000,000
66-79 $25,000,000 $15,000,000 $5,000,000
80+ $10,000,000 $5,000,000 $1,000,000

Get term life quotes from TermLifeAmerica.com-
Lewis Fink is licensed as a term life agent offering term life quotes in the following states: Term life quotes for:
Alabama - AL,  Arkansas - AR,  California - CA Colorado - CO Connecticut - CT Delaware - DE District of Columbia - DC,  Florida - FL, Georgia - GA Idaho - ID Illinois - IL Indiana - IN Iowa - IA Kansas - KS Kentucky - KY Term quotes for: Louisiana - LA,  Maine - ME Maryland - MD Massachusetts - MA,  Michigan - MI Mississippi - MS Missouri - MO,  Montana - MT Nebraska - NE New Mexico - NM, New Jersey - NJ New York - NY,  North Carolina - NCTerm quotes for: North Dakota - ND,  Ohio - OH Oklahoma - OK Pennsylvania - PA, Rhode Island - RI South Carolina - SC,  South Dakota - SD,  Tennessee - TN Term quotes for: Texas - TX,  Utah - UT Vermont - VT Virginia - VA, and Wisconsin - WI.  

We offer term quotes for 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 year term periods. Our universal life products can be quoted to cover a term of up to age 120. Not all term product quotes from all term companies quoted are available in all states.

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