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ING TermSmart Term Life Insurance New York


Term Life America Insurance is proud to offer ING ReliaStar Life. Solid resources backed by a combination of innovative products and service beyond expectations.

ING ReliaStar Life of New York - TermSmart NY Product Features

State Approvals Only approved in NY
Type The TermSmart NY term life insurance series offers competitive rates, with level term insurance renewable to age 80 for non-business term and age 95 for business term. (“Business term” is term coverage on employees of a company where the employer pays the entire premium.) After the guarantee period, premiums charged may vary, but can never exceed the maximum guaranteed premiums shown in the policy and displayed on computer sales illustrations. The TermSmart NY term life insurance series offers competitive rates, with level term insurance renewable to age 80 for non-business term and age 95 for business term. (“Business term” is term coverage on employees of a company where the employer pays the entire premium.) After the guarantee period, premiums charged may vary, but can never exceed the maximum guaranteed premiums shown in the policy and displayed on computer sales illustrations.
Conversion Options The policy may be converted to select cash value policies issued by ReliaStar Life Insurance Company of New York, without evidence of insurability, as follows:

ING TermSmart NY-10 During the first 10 policy years not to exceed age 75
ING TermSmart NY-15 During the first 15 policy years not to exceed age 75
ING TermSmart NY-20 During the first 20 policy years not to exceed age 75
ING TermSmart NY-30 During the first 30 policy years not to exceed age 75

• Conversion will be to the same class, if available, otherwise to the most comparable class available at the time of conversion

Issue Ages Age Nearest Birthday

TermSmart NY 10: 18-70
TermSmart NY 15: 18-65
TermSmart NY 20: 18-60
TermSmart NY 30: 18-50 (45 for Smokers)

Face Amounts
Band 1 — $100,000—$199,999
Band 2 — $200,000—$999,999
Band 3 — $1,000,000+
Modal Factors Semi-annual = .52
Quarterly = .265
Monthly = .0875
Policy Fee $60: $100,000-$199,999
$50: $200.000+
Special Product
Accidental Death Benefit provides protection up to the face amount, to a maximum of $300,000 on any one life in all companies. The rider automatically expires on the policy anniversary nearest the insured's 65th birthday. The issue ages are:

18-60 for TermSmart 5 & 10
18-55 for TermSmart 15
18-50 for TermSmart 20

Waiver of Premium allows premiums to be waived if the insured becomes totally disabled. The rider automatically expires on the policy anniversary nearest the insured's 60th birthday. The issue ages are 18-55.

Child Term Insurance provides level term insurance on each insured child to age 25. Each unit provides $1,000 of death benefit for each insured child. Each unit costs $6.00 per year, regardless of the number of children covered. Minimum is 2 units, maximum is 10 units. Issue ages for the insured parent are 18-60, issue ages for children are 15 days to 18 years. The rider terminates at the earlier of the insured's death, the insured's age 65, or when the youngest child reaches age 25.

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NG ReliaStar Life of New York - TermSmart NY Underwriting Guidelines
Classes Super Preferred No Tobacco
Preferred No Tobacco
Select No Tobacco
Standard No Tobacco
Preferred Tobacco
Re-entry At the time of re-entry, the policy may be exchanged for a comparable life insurance product available at that time, subject to evidence of insurability and issue requirements, at the insured’s then attained age. Re-entry is available on an anniversary on or after the 10th anniversary providing the insured’s age is 65 or less.
Tobacco Definition Super Preferred No Tobacco: (SPNT)
A person who has not used tobacco or nicotine prod-ucts in any form within the past five years, who is in excellent health and meets the criteria.

Preferred No Tobacco: (PNT)
A person who has not used tobacco or nicotine prod-ucts in any form within the past three years, and who meets the criteria.

Select No Tobacco: (SeNT)
A person who has not used tobacco or nicotine prod-ucts in any form within the past two years, and who meets the criteria.

Standard No Tobacco: (SNT)
A nonsmoker who does not qualify for Preferred No Tobacco and does not have a ratable impairment and has used no tobacco or nicotine products in any form within the past one year.

Preferred Tobacco: (PT)
A user of tobacco (less than two packs of cigarettes per day) or nicotine within the past three years that meets all the other criteria as a Preferred No Tobacco.

Standard Tobacco: (ST)
A tobacco user or nicotine user who does not qualify for Preferred Tobacco rates and does not have a ratable impairment.

Special Underwriting
Super Preferred No Tobacco:

Blood Pressure: No current or prior blood pressure reading in excess of

  • Age 0-60: 140/85
  • Age 61+: 150/90 No history of treatment for hypertension

    Cholesterol:Treated or untreated

  • Age 0-70: Chol max 220 + ratio not > 5.0 OR Chol max 240 + ratio not > 4.5
  • Age 71+ Chol max 280 and ratio not > 6.5

    MVR: No DWI/DUI or reckless driving in the past 5 years and no more than 2 moving violations within the past 3 years.

    Personal Medical History: Standard medical risk; no history in past 30 years of cancer (other than basal cell skin cancer).

    Alcohol/ Drug: No history of drug or alcohol abuse in past 10 years.

    Family History (If proposed insured < age 60): No cardiovascular deaths in parents prior to age 65.

    Aviation or Hazardous Avocation/Occupation: Aviation available - may have Aviation Exclusion Rider (AER); no ratable hazardous avocation or occupation.

    Preferred No Tobacco:

    Blood Pressure: No current or prior blood pressure reading in excess of

  • Age 0-60: 145/90
  • Age 61-70: 150/90
  • Age 71+: 160/90 Treated, well-controlled hypertensives with pretreatment levels exceeding the above limit may be considered for Preferred.

    Cholesterol:Treated or untreated

  • Age 0-70: Chol max 240 + ratio not > 5.5 OR Chol max 260 + ratio not > 5.0
  • Age 71+ Chol max 280 and ratio not > 6.5

    MVR: No DWI/DUI or reckless driving in the past 5 years and no more than 2 moving violations within the past 3 years.

    Personal Medical History: Standard medical risk; no history in past 30 years of cancer (other than basal cell skin cancer).

    Alcohol/ Drug: No history of drug or alcohol abuse in past 10 years.

    Family History (If proposed insured < age 60): No cardiovascular deaths in parents prior to age 60.

    Aviation or Hazardous Avocation/Occupation: Aviation available - may have Aviation Exclusion Rider (AER); no ratable hazardous avocation or occupation.

    Select No Tobacco:

    Blood Pressure: No current or prior blood pressure reading in excess of

  • Age 0-60: 150/92
  • Age 61-70: 155/92
  • Age 71+: 165/92 Treated, well-controlled hypertensives with pretreatment levels exceeding the above limit may be considered for Select.

    Cholesterol:Treated or untreated

  • Age 0-70: Chol max 250 + ratio not > 6.5 OR Chol max 270 + ratio not > 6.0
  • Age 71+ Chol max 290 and ratio not > 7.0

    MVR: No DWI/DUI or reckless driving in the past 5 years and no more than 2 moving violations within the past 3 years.

    Personal Medical History: Standard medical risk; no history in past 30 years of cancer (other than basal cell skin cancer).

    Alcohol/ Drug: No ratable history of drug or alcohol abuse.

    Family History (If proposed insured < age 60): No cardiovascular deaths in parents prior to age 60.

    Aviation or Hazardous Avocation/Occupation: Aviation available - may have Aviation Exclusion Rider (AER); no ratable hazardous avocation or occupation.


    Get term life quotes from TermLifeAmerica.com-
    Lewis Fink is licensed as a term life agent offering term life quotes in the following states: Term life quotes for:
    Alabama - AL,  Arkansas - AR,  California - CA Colorado - CO Connecticut - CT Delaware - DE District of Columbia - DC,  Florida - FL, Georgia - GA Idaho - ID Illinois - IL Indiana - IN Iowa - IA Kansas - KS Kentucky - KY Term quotes for: Louisiana - LA,  Maine - ME Maryland - MD Massachusetts - MA,  Michigan - MI Mississippi - MS Missouri - MO,  Montana - MT Nebraska - NE New Mexico - NM, New Jersey - NJ New York - NY,  North Carolina - NCTerm quotes for: North Dakota - ND,  Ohio - OH Oklahoma - OK Pennsylvania - PA, Rhode Island - RI South Carolina - SC,  South Dakota - SD,  Tennessee - TN Term quotes for: Texas - TX,  Utah - UT Vermont - VT Virginia - VA, and Wisconsin - WI.  

    We offer term quotes for 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 year term periods. Our universal life products can be quoted to cover a term of up to age 120. Not all term product quotes from all term companies quoted are available in all states.

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